This page contains thumbnail pictures of
Lilliput Lane models beginning with "B".
Models with names "The" or "A" take their name from the
second word and are listed as "xxxxx, The" or "xxxxx, A".
Models named "Ye" are listed under Y.
Bar |
Rise |
Bakers Dozen |
Bakers Shop, The |
Bakery & Wellhouse, The |
Bakewell Lodge |
Pudding |
Ballykerne Croft |
Balmoral |
'Bananas Are Back!' |
Banqueting House, The |
Banqueting House,
The |
Bargate Cottage Tea Room |
Bark! The
Herald Angels Sing |
Mow Inn |
Barlows Bookies |
Barn Find |
Barra Black House
Bay View |
Beach Hut |
Beacon Heights |
Beamish Pit Village |
Bear Necessities |
The Beaver |
Beckside |
Beehive Cottage |
Beekeepers Cottage |
Begijnhof |
Bell At Stilton, The |
Bell Inn |
Bell Tower Cottage |
Belle Isle |
Bend or Bump |
Bergerie du Perigord, La |
Bermuda Cottage (Pink, Yellow, Blue) |
Beside The Seaside |
Bess' Hideaway |
Best Friends |
Big Ben (L2530) |
Big Ben Small (L2211) |
Big Ben In Winter |
Big Ben Plaque |
Big Ben 2009 Anniversary Edition |
Bill & Bens |
Birchwood Cottage |
Birdlip Bottom |
The Bird Cage |
Birdsong, The |
Birthday Cake |
Birthday Cottage |
Birthday Greetings |
Birthday Party |
Birthday Wishes |
Biscuit Factory, The |
Bonners Cottage |
Bishop's House |
Black Bear Inn |
Cottage |
Bladon Village Pump |
Blair Atholl |
Post |
Blarney Castle |
Blaylock's Retreat
(CYO 2011) |
Blencathra |
(Unsnowed) |
Bless This House |
Bloemenmarkt |
Blue Boar |
The Bluebell |
Bluebell Farm |
Line |
Bluebell Line |
Bluebell Wood |
Boat Yard, The |
Bobbins, The |
Bobby Blue |
Bodiam |
Bodnant Gardens |
Bonnie Scotland |
Book Shop |
Bookworm |
Bo-Peep Tea Rooms |
Borrowdale School |
The Bottle Lodges |
Bottle Of Cheer |
Bottle Oven, The |
Bow Cottage |
Bowbeams |
Boxwood Cottage |
Brace. The |
Bramble Cottage |
Brampton Moot Hall
Branderij, De |
Brandy Butter |
Brassed Off |
Braywood Lodge |
Brecon Bach |
Bredon House |
Briary, The |
Brick Terrace |
Bridge Cottage |
Bridge House |
Bridge House (Ambleside) |
Bridge House 1991 |
Bridge House,
Ambleside [2007] |
Bridge House Dealer Sign |
Bridge House Dealer
Sign |
Bridge House In Winter |
Bridle & Bit Stables |
Bridle Way |
Bring Forth, Spring
Bring Out The
Figgy Pudding |
Bro Dawel |
Broadway Tower |
Brockbank |
Bronte Parsonage |
Bucherwurm, Der |
The Buck
And The Doe |
Buckingham Palace (L2286) |
Buckingham Palace Small (L2531) |
Buckingham Palace
in Winter (L2625) |
Buckingham Palace Plaque
(L2374) |
Buckle My Shoe |
Buckle Yeat |
Bumble-Bee Cottage |
Bunny Burrows |
Burghley Park Boathouse |
Burley Street Garage |
Burnham Thorpe Rectory |
Burns' Cottage |
Burnside |
Busman's Holiday |
Busy Bees |
Butter Churn Cottage |
Buttercup Cottage |
Butterfly Cottage |
Buttermilk Farm |
Butterwick |
Button Down |
Bwthyn Bach Gwyn (Little White Cottage) |
By Dawns Early Light |
By The Mill Stream |
Bygone Memories |