This web page is part of the "Locations and Photos of Lilliput Lane Originals" [LAPOLLO] Website


This page contains thumbnail pictures of Lilliput Lane models beginning with "E".

Models with names "The" or "A" take their name from the second word and are listed as "xxxxx, The" or "xxxxx, A".

Models named "Ye" are listed under Y.

Eagle House Folly Eamont Lodge Earth East Neuk  Edinburgh Castle  Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle (PYO) Edinburgh Castle  Edradour Distillery Edzell Summer-House  Egyptian House, The Eilean Donan Castle [491]
Eilean Donan Castle [L2789] Elm Cottage  Elsa's Castle Emerald Cottage Emmerdale Sign Enchanted Garden, The


Eriskay Croft  Eros  Essex (PYO) Evensong Evergreens  

This is a personal website run by John Saville.  All web pages are Copyright John Saville as are all photographs unless otherwise indicated. Other information (e.g. maps etc) may be copyright to others as indicated. No information may be copied or reproduced without prior permission (from: but this will almost certainly be willingly granted.