View Buildings


This web page is part of the "Locations and Photos of Lilliput Lane Originals" [LAPOLLO] Website


This site is a personal web site run by John Saville and is not endorsed by Enesco or the Lilliput Lane Collectors Club. All information is provided on a "best efforts" basis and no responsibility can be taken for lost time or finance if relied on.             Webmaster:

This page is for people who own, or have given a model and/or would like to see pictures of the original and learn where it is located

  1. Go to the alphabetic list of all models with a thumbnail picture of each model (where we have it)
  2. Click on the link [picture or name]and it will take you to a page with a list of models on a geographic basis (e.g. county within the UK)
  3. You will find detailed information on the location:

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Name Town County Visit? LL Ref.

Actual Location

Grid Reference

Images of Britain
  White Swan, The Radwell Bedfordshire Pub & Restaurant L2693 Swan Inn, Felmersham Road, N52.2065 W0.5316 36904
Name of Lilliput Lane model Town where the model actually is County where the model actually is Information on whether you can visit the inside of the building (e.g. pubs, shops, museums, tea shops, B&B etc)with a link to more detailed info Lilliput Lane Catalogue number Street address or other information to help you find the original building Grid reference taken from maps England only: link to English Heritage's Images of England database where architectural information can be found


By clicking on the thumbnail picture or name you can follow a link to a web page of the town/area where the building is:

  • with pictures of the original building and the area around it
  • any information available about the original including links to other relevant web pages

Sometimes maps will be provided/ These are generated from Microsoft Autoroute in line with the provisions of its copyright and are designated: "Copyright 2001 Microsoft Corp."

This is a personal website run by John & Judy Saville.  All web pages are Copyright John & Judy Saville as are all photographs unless otherwise indicated. Other information (e.g. maps etc) may be copyright to others as indicated. No information may be copied or reproduced without prior permission (from: but this will almost certainly be willingly granted.