


Adelphi                                                                   Adelphi                                               Shell/BP House                  Savoy hotel                            IET                      

Savoy Place: HQ of the Institution of Engineers and Technology (formerly IEE) Savoy Hotel & IET
Back of the Savoy Hotel Plaque on back of Savoy Theatre: First Theatre with Electric light
Adelphi  Shell/BP House
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The Hispaniola where John & Judy had a birthday drink on June 2, 2002
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Cleopatra's Needle
Statue of Isambard Kingdom Brunel at Temple Place
Somerset House at night


This is a personal website run by John Saville.  All web pages are Copyright John Saville as are all photographs unless otherwise indicated. Other information (e.g. maps etc) may be copyright to others as indicated. No information may be copied or reproduced without prior permission (from: john-saville@ntlworld.com) but this will almost certainly be willingly granted.