
Up LL Amberley

This site is a personal web site run by John Saville and is not endorsed by Enesco or the Lilliput Lane Collectors Club. All information is provided on a "best efforts" basis and no responsibility can be taken for lost time or finance if relied on.             Webmaster:
Birchwood_Cottage_small.jpg (1779 bytes) Amberley is a village in West Sussex with lots of thatched cottages including several of which are the basis of Lilliput Lane models.
Amberley Rose Birchwood Cottage Calendar Cottage Chalk Down


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"The Black Horse" serves excellent lunches & dinners which can be eat in the garden. It is featured in the Good Pub Guide 2008 [Lucky Dip].

IoE 298254

Another cottage in the village "Kennards" [IoE 298272] is opposite "The Black Horse


The White House in East Street  IoE 298246

Old Stack Cottage in School Street   IoE 298278

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The Thatched Cottage in Hog Lane [LL Birchwood Cottage]

 [On deed for LL Birchwood Cottage]   IoE 298269

Photo: Jan Tarrant

The Old Place on corner of Church and North Streets IoE 298266 (LL Calendar Cottage)

Amberley Place in The Alley      IoE 298240  

Church of St Michael & All the Angels    IoE 298220 Rock Cottage [Amberley Rose] IoE 298223


Oaktree Cottage   IoE 298224

A Magnolia in flower in Church Street (March 14, 2007)

Cottages including The Studio [LL Chalk Down]

On the left is Barton Cottage   IoE 298244 next to peartree
This is a personal website run by John & Judy Saville.  All web pages are Copyright John & Judy Saville as are all photographs unless otherwise indicated. Other information (e.g. maps etc) may be copyright to others as indicated. No information may be copied or reproduced without prior permission (from: but this will almost certainly be willingly granted.