North 5


Trinity College, Cambridge -- Stained Glass in the Chapel Windows      North 5

I couldn't find many pictures of Henry Holiday's Stained Glass windows in Trinity College, Cambridge so I decided to create my own pages. The windows are numbered 1 to 8 from the Ante Chapel to the Altar. I have tried to identify the person depicted in each window and provide links with information about that person. If you have any corrections, comments or advice please contact me at

Giotto di Bondone St Francis of Assisi Gregory VII Columbanus
Painter. Initiator of three dimensional space in European painting. Founded Franciscan order, Saint, Stigmatic  




Born in Ireland

Dantes Alligh Louis IX Thomas Aquinas Charlemagne
Dante Allighieri 1265-1321, author of "Divine Comedy"
King of France


Italian philosopher and theologian Holy Roman Emporer

"Father of Europe"

This is a personal website run by John Saville.  All web pages are Copyright John Saville as are all photographs unless otherwise indicated. Other information (e.g. maps etc) may be copyright to others as indicated. No information may be copied or reproduced without prior permission (from: but this will almost certainly be willingly granted.